Gusde & Clara Wedding



Harry & Sherline Wedding



Friccio & Rini Wedding

Pullman - Central Park


Christopher & Lavenia Wedding



Nick & Christine Wedding

Ritz Carlton - Mega Kuningan


Washington & Stella Wedding

Pullman - Central Park


About White Pearl Decoration

White Pearl Decoration is a Jakarta based event design and decoration company that specializes in weddings and special events decoration. Founded in 2010, White Pearl Decoration creates a great decoration following the requested concept with detail, creativity, art and innovation to make your wedding environment truly yours.

“I came here tonight because when you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.”

-Nora Ephron, When Harry Met Sally

Our Expertise is Your Solution

White Pearl Decoration is pleased to offer you our services below :

Event Design & Consutling Agency
Our designers and consultants will be working closely with you to translate your dreams into a design that is customized only for you.

Decoration Production Services
Our production specialists will translate the design agreed with you into actual day decorations at the highest standard of quality and precision.

Favourite Decoration! Keren bgt decorationnya sesuai sama keinginan aku, design dan hasilnya sesuai.. memuaskan.. semua tamu undangan memuji dekorasinya.. cicinya baikk dan harganya worth to pay.

Livia Siswanto Wijaya

Awesome!! Pas hari H, desainnya ternyata keren banget, desain yg cm berupa gambar tiba" berubah jadi nyata dan indah banget. Aku dan pasangan sukaaaa banget sama hasilnya. Banyak tamu-tamu kita juga bilang kalo dekornya bagus. Pokoknya ga nyesel deh pilih WP soalnya orgnya enak diajak diskusi dan hasil dekornya juga memuaskan..Thanks WP maju terus!!


Shocked in Awe! Mevvah!! Terima kasih Whitepearl sudah menjadi bagian dalam moment penting dalam hidup kami yaitu pernikahan kami! Kami sangat puas atas decornya, bener2 shocked dan ga kira akan semevvah itu, sampai2 kira salah masuk ballroom!

Okki Sim

Dekor yang Luar Biasa.. Menurut saya WhitePearl Dekor yang Profesional, sentuhan sentuhan artistic dalam satu nuansa konsep pernikahan tergambar jelas. Jujur sy orang yang sangat detail dan kritis dalam memilih konsep dekor. Namun apa yang saya utarakan dan inginkan tim dari WhitePearl sangat mampu menggambarkan sesuai apa yang kita inginkan. Dekor faforit saya adalah tema Winter Ice atau Frozen.. Dan menurut saya, salah satu vendor dekor atau dekor international terbaik ada di WhitePearl Decoration!


Thank U White Pearl!!! Wedding kami Hosea & Meity, di Museum Bank Indonesia tgl 8 April berjalan lancar, kami sangat senang dan kagum dgn vendor dekor ini, kalian luar biasa.
Konsep yang kami inginkan dikerjakan dgn profesional dan detail. Rapi, cakep, mewah, megah, dekor outdoor party kami dgn konsep Princess Fairytale pun di puji oleh byk tamu.. sy sendiri puas dan bangga.. gak salah memilih White Pearl Decoration. Harga reasonable, staffnya ramah dan sabar... thank u yah.

Meity Sumolang

We will give you an unforgettable moment!

This is your wedding,
Do what you love,
Invite the people you want,
Dance to the songs that bring you must joy,
Eat the best food you’ll ever have,
Be the king and queen of the rest of your life,
Enjoy all moments,
Share the photographs with your children and grandchildren,
Most of all, spend the rest of your days with the person you love,
and let us be the part to create your happiness.